After our shopping odyssey to the button wonderland, the girls and I got to talking about the annual gala that our University Student Council hosts every year. None of us has ever been to that classy affair and we came to the conclusion, that this year is the last chance to participate in it. We've all spent a hefty amount of time educating ourselves and are finally close to graduating (it takes usually at least 5 years to get a master's degree in a Finnish university, just so you know). So when the gala is held next november we'll be there! And you know what that means! Evening gowns! I do have one in my closet but since the vintage pieces I've seen are so stunning, I thought I'd give one ago. I thought I'd make a long post about all the possible patterns I might use and the colours and fabrics. But now it seems I've found all of them already, in one day! I know I should think more about the fact that there's 6 months to the gala, and I might change my mind, but still, what can you do when you find something you just love, eh?
The deep green satin I bought yesterday started the whole thing, and late last night I started to picture the perfect dress for that fabric. If only I could draw then I could show what I pictured, but luckily I don't have to since today I found that exact pattern from Etsy! I was looking for a blouse pattern, when I stumbled into this wonderful late 30's pattern. It's a daydress but by lengthening the skirt it will become the dress for me! Here it is:
The neckline and the drapes along the waistline makes this perfect! Just picture it floorlength in deep dark green satin with a sparkling broche, or in chiffon with a satin slip under it, kind of like the view B in this:
And hair done like the ever graceful Rita Hayworth:
I can't wait for the pattern come so I can start with muslin!
If you wondered what ever happend to the blouse pattern I was looking for, then ehem, I ended up buying yet another dress pattern... But I reasoned this with the patterns multifunctionality. The bodice part will work as a blouse pattern, as long as I lengthen it a bit. Great reasoning, right? (lol)
It seems that my blog has doubled its readers in a day! Thank you so much! I'm already thinking of hosting a give-a-way when the time is right to thank you properly.
Kerrankin on aihetta juhlaan ja juhlapuvun ompeluun! Sovin muutaman ystävän kanssa, että tänä vuonna osallistumme ylioppilaskunnan vuosijuhlaan! Samalla voin siis ommella itselleni juhlamekon 30-luvun kaavan mukaan! Juhlat on vasta marraskuussa, mutta kaava ja kangaskin on jo hankittuna. Täytyy siis vain toivoa, etten muuta mieltäni liian monta kertaa ennen sitä.